Gulhane Faculty of Nursing was established on 15 March 1985 within the structure of Gulhane Military Medical Academy with the name of School of Nursing. After 25 July 2016, the school was incorporated with University of Health Sciences as Gulhane School of Nursing and, it has been continuing with the name of Gulhane Faculty of Nursing since 06 December 2017.
The educational aim of Gulhane Faculty of Nursing is to provide graduates who meet the health care needs of the individual, family and society in a holistic approach in protection, treatment and rehabilitation fields; who embrace the importance of lifelong learning; who can improve themselves by following scientific, technological and current practices; who are capable of teamwork and critical thinking; who are competent to perform their profession all over the world with professional ethics and leadership qualities. In addition to conducting undergraduate, graduate, doctorate programs, Gulhane Faculty of Nursing also contributes significantly to the nursing profession with its internationally experienced and dynamic academic staff. Together with our academic, administrative staff and students, we work harder to achieve excellence and closely follow professional developments. We are waiting for our new students with all our facilities for a better future.